Wall Street Prayer Alliance
A Strategic House of Prayer for All Nations for the Economic Sphere
Prayer brings Revival.
Revival transforms Lives and Communities.
Revival unleashes Spirit-led Creativity.
Creativity produces Christ-centered Entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurs sustain revival communities with new Structures and Provisions.
Money is not the root of all evil; love of money is


Jonathan Edwards, from the Great Awakening said that when God has something very great to accomplish, it is His will that there should precede extraordinary prayers of His people. When it comes to prayer, extraordinary is simply a greater urge and desperation to see Christ manifest in us and through us today.
Faith without works is dead; so is prayer without works. When a person prays, faith increases and manifest in actions. A praying individual and community naturally flows with life that reaches out to fellow-human in various capacities.
Find about the Outreach initiatives of Wall Street Prayer.
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. -Lao-tzu
Kingdom Entrepreneurship Program (KEP) is twelve week focus group based learning for entrepreneurs to be intentional disciple-makers in the marketplace.
Beginnings in Wall Street
A Collaborative project

Steve Thompson
Silas Titus
Prayer Director Silas Titus’s passion is to equip revivalists from prayer movement turned to entrepreneurs to sustain revival communities. He is a visionary leader and entrepreneur with over two decades of cross-border experience in the areas of management, technology, and finance. His greatest passion is to see communities transformed and shaped through prayer and thrive on kingdom-based provisions since his radical encounter with Jesus in 1991. He pursued business and management education to doctoral degree and elaborated his experience in Fixed Income, Commodities, and Investment Banking sector in Finance. He held several board positions in the recognized non-profits in the US and abroad.
Mark Perri
Prayer Research Director Mark Perri has been instrumental with his decades of prayer research experience to discover the spiritual roots and heritage of Manhattan and New York. He is passionate to see true revival through repentance, cleansing of the land and building sustainable communties. He is also involved in community outreach and serves as the senior Pastor of Immanuel Community church in Flushing, NYC. He also co-ordinates a prayer tour as a guide to historic New York for teams and groups visiting Wall Street.
Danny Kryger
Bill Tetreault
Outreach Director Bill has over 4o years of experience working with youth and outreach in all the boroughs of New York City. Starting with YMCA his focus had been to bring Christ’s love regionally, nationally and internationally. He has worked with several Wall Street Area collaborative initiatives in outreach and prayer. He is passionate to see true biblical revival and prayer movement in the educational institutions and businesses in the downtown area in a greater manner than the 1857 revival that was brithed here.
Libanius AD 314-393