The enemy rarely winds down. He is never tired of putting up a fight with you once you chose to follow the Lord wholeheartedly. Your adversary the devil walks around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Be sensible and vigilant. If we firmly stand in faith in the short period of suffering of life (believe me it seems like a long time..), it is guaranteed that God Himself will restore, establish and settle you (1 Peter 5: 8-10).
If you are physically able to join would love to have you pray for the sphere of finance as we meet at the historic Fraunces Tavern in New York City, one block from the Stock Exchange and Wall Street.
The dates are THURSDAYS June 22, July 6, August 3 and September 7, 2017 at 5.30 p.m Eastern Time. The address to meeting is 54 Pearl Street, New York, NY 10004 (the floor above the Fraunces Tavern Museum).
For those who are unable to join there is a conference call number to call during the time of meetings.
Discover the 70 year Gentile cycles and its correlation to capitalism and socialism and much more!
How to Usher in the Greatest Kingdom Movement in our Lifetime? has some insights into year 2017 and beyond and how to take action in a kingdom movement.
Call to Action
Kindly reply this email if you are physically able to join the prayer meetings on the dates above.
Prayer points:
It is interesting that the extreme opposite worldviews such as the leftists and jihadists are coming together unified to see that America refrain from biblical values. It is the single most strong proof that Christ is the truth in comparison to all other religions and ideologies.
Pray that many secular and bipartisan folks will open their eyes to curiously seek Christ.
Pray that the remnant will keep the word of His patience despite the opposition. Because if we do that He will also keep us from the hour of testing that is about to come upon the whole inhabited world, to put to the test those who live on the earth (Rev 3:10). Pray for a fresh cry for liberty and justice, than the purported ‘liberty’ propaganda. A true cry from the hearts, a spiritual cry for revolution that only God can do through Yashua- His name means deliverance and salvation.
Finally, please know that you are highly esteemed in God’s sight. He is determined to complete the purpose for which He has called you. You are a blessing and encouragement to more folks than you think you are! He called that you bear fruit and that your fruit will remain. When we let Him do the job in us there are no ‘maybe’s.