by Silas Titus | May 15, 2018 | Capitalism, Entrepreneurship, Financing, God n Wall Street, Insights, Making Wealth
Part 1-Learn Life from the Markets Part 3-Blame Game Does Not Work With Life Markets act independently of the people. The market’s movements are an aggregate of the people’s decisions. There is no way one entity or individual can control market movements....
by Silas Titus | May 1, 2018 | Capitalism, Entrepreneurship, Exit Strategy, Financing, God n Wall Street, Insights, Making Wealth
If King Solomon lived during our days, he would have used the analogy of the markets in the book of Proverbs. Take a lesson from the ants, …..Learn from their ways and become wise! Proverbs 6:6 New Living Translation (NLT). King Solomon found the ways of ants very...
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